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Waddington Redwood Primary Academy welcomes parents and volunteers, and we very much value the help and support they provide. Helpers usually commit to spending regular slots of time in school each week, but there are opportunities for parents to come into school for one-off events, for example for special curriculum days or weeks.  It may also be possible for parents to help run extra-curricular clubs - anything that appeals to the children and which helps to enrich the curriculum. 

Our volunteers help in a variety of ways; for example,

  • they hear children read,
  • prepare resources,
  • assist with art activities
  • support groups of children in the classroom. 

We also welcome volunteers into school during special occasions to share their experiences or skills.  For example, during our Aspire Week, the children found out about the types of jobs and opportunities available within the local community.

Our parent helpers and volunteers prove to be invaluable when classes go out on trips; those who help regularly in school are already known to both the teaching staff and the children, and this helps significantly with the organising of adult support and ensuring all children have access to a familiar face while on an out-of-school visit.

Adults helping in school with the children are always under the supervision of the class teacher, who explains the task, what is required of the children and the helper’s role within that setting.  Parent helpers are asked to be aware that their presence in the same classroom as their child can sometimes cause adverse reactions and therefore may be asked to support in a different classroom.  Individual teachers reserve the right to make this decision.  All adults must have a clear DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) certificate before supporting in school.