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Contact Us

You can contact us by using the details below or by completing our contact form.

Please address your enquiry to Mrs Brader. 

Waddington Redwood Primary Academy
Redwood Drive, Brant Road, Waddington, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN5 9BN

Telephone 01522 721156
Fax 01522 723672
School day:
8.50am-3.20pm (32.5 hours per week)

Headteacher: Mrs S Milling
SENCO: Miss F Black
Chair of Governors: Mrs L Dickinson (to contact the Chair of Governors, please email the LGB Clerk, Miss J Whitelaw, via the address above) 

Waddington Redwood Primary Academy is part of The Priory Federation of Academies Trust, which comprises 13 academies in Lincolnshire and Leicestershire. For further information please contact:
The Priory Federation of Academies Trust
Clayton Road
Lincoln LN5 8RE
Telephone: 01522 871370 