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Our School Council

The VOICE of the children

The School Council plays an important role in the life of Waddington Redwood Primary Academy. The council is made up of a boy and girl from each class, from Year 1 through to Year 6.  The councillors are all democratically elected at the start of each academic year. This year’s election was exciting and the newly appointed council have elected a chair, vice chair, treasurer and secretary.  Each councillor is elected to represent the children in their class at the council meetings. The council meets with members of staff on a weekly basis.

The School Council have been busy planning our ‘Eco Week’ so that we understand and learn more about the challenges we face around pollution, climate change and protecting nature.  They also hope to teach us more about key figures, who support environmental change, such as David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg.

 At our Christmas fair, the council organised their own stall where families were able to design and decorate their own biscuits. This was hugely successful and the money raised is being invested in resources for our environmental week.


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